Thursday, February 1, 2007

Second Bimonthly Update

Topic: Resolutions

• finish all previously started projects.
I'm not doing too well with this one. I'll just leave it at that.

• finish one project before starting another
see above

• heavily promote myself and the art.
I'm not doing too bad so far. mostly networking type stuff. I've had a few link to my site ( hits have increased a bit.

• finish 2 paintings a month.
again, see above.

• improve diet.
Weekends have been tough, I have cut down on alcohol and I've been a lot more creative in my meal selections

• exercise 5 times a week
I'm on this one, sometimes 6 a week. i've been doing yoga 3 times a week too. all the pseudo-spiritual shit kind of gets on my nerves and they kill me with the new age music, but over all it's like rockstar ninja training.

• drop 30 lbs. to get from 200 to 170
current weight is 194/5

• start a career already
i think i may be getting an interview with a design firm. i went through a recruiter and she said "this looks great! this portfolio was one of the best i've seen." of course she just might say that to all the boys.
I also traded one mindless job with no responsibility for another mindless job with no responsibility.

• pay down debt

• assess retirement
i cashed in some bonds and turned them over to my investor. I'm keeping a few hundred to buy stock in Marvel Comics.

• more Sabbath . . . .and LOUDER!
i'm going to stop answering this one. it should be obvious by now. I really don't know why I put it on the list in the first place. it's like saying,"this year I resolve to continue breathing." I can't get it any LOUDER though, until I get a new sound system.

• Return to Dagobah and complete my Jedi training with Master Yoda.
Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.

Today is the Feastday of St. Brigid. She's a patron Saint of Ireland who, in the 5th century, founded 2 monastaries and a school of art. She died on Feb, 1st and is buried in Downpatrick near St. Patrick's grave.

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